Horny aunty flashing boobs in the shop

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Her husband had taken a national tour. She refused to join him saying that she feels pain in her back. But really, she wanted to have one whole week with her lover. She could stay naked for the whole week when he stays with her inside the home. When he comes to her home, she immediately takes him to the bedroom and takes off his clothes. Then, she plays with his penis and takes it into her mouth for the hard blowjob. But she enjoys flashing boobs to him.So, he keeps pressing her hot breasts while she sucks his dick. Then, they leave to the shop to buy things for the cooking. They feel very horny even there. So, he comes close to her and asks her to show her hot tits in the public place. She looks around and pulls her sari just a bit and lets him enjoy her hared nipples.
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