Horny couple fuck hardcore in the country lodge

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A hot married couple had not had sex in a while and one day the couple decide to go on a small country trip and end up staying in a lodge. The husband starts flirting with his wife. The wife also gets aroused and flirts back with him.The husband then starts kissing his wife and takes her to the bed. The husband starts undressing his wife and starts pressing her boobs and starts playing with his wife’s hot naked body. The wife also starts undressing her husband.Hot married couple fuck hardcore in the country lodgeThe wife then makes the husband lie down on the bed on his back and starts kissing her husband’s naked body and then starts kissing and licking his cock. The wife then starts taking his cock in her mouth and starts sucking on it and gives her husband a blowjob. The husband then makes his wife lie down on her back on the bed.The husband then starts licking his wife’s pussy and starts flicking her clit with his tongue as he spreads her pussy lips and sucks her pussy. The husband then spreads her legs and inserts his cock in her pussy and starts fucking her in missionary sex position and then fucks her in doggy style as he spanks her ass from behind cumming inside her pussy.
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