Long dick deep in my ass for the first time

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I woke up slowly in the quiet apartment long after the others had left for the day. My dreams of hot wild sex with guys, all of them taking turns with me, filling me with big dick, unloading ropes of thick gooey cum inside me and all over me. My cock was rock hard and my very willing wife was not there to quench my desire. I tortured myself with this incredible image of a man’s hands on my hips, his thick big dick sinking deliciously deep inside my ass.There was this new guy at the neighborhood that had just moved to our locality. He was pretty tight lipped about his personal life. I didn’t know if he had a BF or not.So I asked him is he wanted to come to my place. To my surprise, he accepted. There seemed to be something between us, but I couldn’t be sure. He opened up about his past, and how his BF had been killed by a drunk driver about three years earlier.My first time Gay sex with a big dick neighbor guyHe had not had any relationships since. He said he knew it was time to get on with life. I said, “If there’s anything I can do to help”. He gave me this look and I knew I was going to get fucked.We went back to the small bedroom and started making love with him. He then laid me on my back and pulled me to the edge of the bed, so my butt was hanging off the edge.He slid his big dick inside and it hurt a bit. Did I mention his dick was pretty big? He slid in his big dick until he was about 7? in. I’ve always had a problem with taking it deep and this was the first time I’d had a big dick this deep in my ass.
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Tags:Bareback, Dick, Gay, Indian
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