POV after party foreplay

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These two girls have just got home after a party and see that this guy who happens to be the boyfriend of one of them has spent the night alone. They decide to show him a bit of the fun he missed out on. POV recording of two girls pleasuring him Two girls, one in a purple tshirt and the other in a black sleeveless top, walk into the room of the boyfriend of the girl wearing black. He has spent the night alone and wants to know the fun those two had as he knows his girlfriend is bisexual. Smirking at each other, they both take their tops off and show what he missed out on. The girl with the purple shirt is kind of a BBW with big tits while his girlfriend is more slender and petite with a cute butt. He enjoys as his girlfriend plays with the big tits of her friend. As she goes off to change, the girl with humongous breasts, takes his cock in between them and begins to titty fuck him. She moves her massive cleavage all over his piece of meat and starts giving him a blowjob. This is quite a lot for him and he begs his girlfriend to join them. Removing her red panty over those long legs, she moves towards with her butt facing him, teasing him all the way. The POV cuts away showing two girls all about to make the night of a very lucky guy.  
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